Financing Properties in Fiji

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Can I finance a property in Fiji?

Yes, you can get a loan to purchase a property in Fiji.

We know how things “work” here!

Professionals Fiji Real Estate is THE most knowledgeable real estate agency in Fiji when it comes to giving you the most up-to-date and comprehensive information regarding financing (borrowing money) to purchase land, residential & holiday homes, commercial properties, resort-hotels, large scale development subdivisions, and private islands.

We have well-established personal working relationships with Executive Level and local bank managers and agents, as well as finance experts in Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Asia, Canada, and the United States.

Non-Residents (“Foreigners”)

All financing of properties in Fiji must be done in Fiji.  You can not use financing from a bank in your home country to finance your purchase in Fiji.  You also can not use assets as collateral that are located outside of Fiji. Banks will require 35%-50% down payment for your purchase.

Residents and Non-Residents

There are several banks in Fiji loaning money to both residents AND non-residents (“foreigners”) for their purchase of land, homes, and commercial properties.  Each bank has their own underwriting criteria and requirements.


Each of these lending institutions regularly send their representatives to our office (at our request) to share their latest lending rates, terms, information and promotions with our entire sales team.  We can advise you on which lender(s) will offer YOU the best rate and terms!

Banks in Fiji are regulated by the Reserve Bank of Fiji which specifies the amount of financing they are able to offer, as well as minimum down payment requirements for local Fiji residents/citizens (usually a minimum of 10% down payment) and foreign/ non-residents (plan on 50% down payment). Reserve Bank rules regulating real estate transactions are subject to changs, so working with a Professionals Fiji Real Estate expert will ensure that you will have the most current information needed to make your purchase.

Professionals will make your transition to Fiji easier – and more fun!

Financing your purchase is just one of the many services we provide to our Fiji real estate clients, especially those considering a holiday home purchase in gated expat  luxury home communities like Denarau Island, Naisoso Island, Fantasy Island, and Ridgeview Estates (Nadi).  We also assist our clients in setting up Business and Personal Banking accounts here in Fiji, to facilitate their “Fiji Time” experience!

Let us make your dreams become reality!

Please click on each bank logo below to be directed to their web page

Financing your Purchase
Financing your Purchase
Financing your Purchase
Financing your Purchase
Financing your Purchase
Financing your Purchase
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